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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Oregon Vacation Day 9

Well, it was our last morning together eating around the Old Mill House Inn breakfast table.  More visiting with the Crowstons and David.  In our conversation, we explained to them that we went back to the fuel house at the mill pond and tried out some of our singing skills (lol).  Kathi had video on her camera of our songs, and was trying to share it with Mr. Crowston, but it was difficult to hear and not easy to see on the camera.  So, Mr. Crowston said, "well, why don't you all just sing it for me?!"  We all looked at each other, and after a little hesitation, we began singing "Edelweiss".  We didn't get but half way through the song and Mr. and Mrs. Crowston began to join in...David, while sitting on the stairs, also began to sing with us.  All I can say is that it was a beautiful moment to end our mini-reunion.

Marsha was the first to leave as she wanted to spend time with her dad for Father's Day before she had to catch her plane (It didn't occur to me until just now that Deborah, Kathi and I all have deceased father's).  Then Deborah and Sassy were on their way one direction and Kathi and I another.  Before Kathi took me back to Darlene's we stopped at Vernonia High School's Greenman Field and Stadium for one last photo.  It took me back to my cheerleading days (Deborah and I on the right, 1971-72 school year...Juniors).  You can see the Loggerman behind us and still in the same spot today.

Then it was time to get back to Daf and husband...and the weeks worth of laundry I needed to wash, before heading out the next morning back home to California.  It was also time to wind down and just have some good relaxing visiting time with my favorite sister...

...and my favorite husband!  =o]

Visits home to Vernonia never seem long enough, and yet, long enough! 

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