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Monday, January 23, 2012

Canadian Family Visit

We don't get many visits from the families north (Oregon and Canada), but when we do, we enjoy it so much.  Larry and Lorna are a hoot and the visits always seem too short.  We did a little shopping...they got to meet Odessa...and we visited the Merced National Wildlife Refuge...but first things first!!  We had a small celebration for Larry's 70th coming up in March (but he wears it like a 50 year old). 

Oh I failed to mention that when Larry and Lorna come to visit, they park their trailer in our driveway and it barely squeaks by.  Now this is CLOSE!  =o)

Now for the fun stuff...well, it was planned to be fun, but the air was cool and the wind was frigid, so we didn't want to stay out in it for very long.  We still got to see some wildlife.

Ross Geese in flight above!

Spoonbill Ducks above and a Blue Heron below...

AND, when we arrived home we were greeted with Cedar Waxwings and a Robin or two!

Cell phone photos above and below...saying good-bye and finishing with an awkward family photo!

...and away they went!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Honored Spot

A family's gotta do what a family's gotta do!  Traditions!  I bet we are not the only family that has a tradition or two.  One of ours is the "HONORED SPOT" a top our fireplace mantel.  I don't know how the "honored spot" came about, but when we moved into this house December 1995, it just was...the honored spot!!  The "HONORED SPOT" is where the birthday cards go when the recipient has had the joy of opening it up, reading it's warm wishes and then displaying in the "honored spot" for others to visit it's pages.  It's there, in the "honored spot" where we continue to honor our birthday family member.  As family members pass the mantel, eyes catch the honored spot, with all it's glory.  It calls to us, "stop and pick up the card, read it and honor your loved one!"  No, really, I have heard it call as I have passed...many times!  So, beginning our New Year, 2012, we have once again followed the tradition of the "honored spot," as after baby girl finished reading her birthday card, it was tenderly and carefully placed thoughtfully and strategically in the only place it should be, the "HONORED SPOT."